Bob de Vekey's HOME PAGE

Brief biography: (please skip if very easily bored)

I am a 2 metres tall, bearded, male 'in my prime' (in the Jean Brody sense)(ie. mature!). For those extravagant with their phone bills I will include a mugshot. I have a family and live in Hertfordshire in England about 20 miles north of London. Post school, I trained in chemistry at Hatfield Tech which is now the University of Hertfordshire followed by some post-grad courses at Imperial College London.


I have a few interests of varying intensities and which grow and wane with the seasons, weather, competing activities etc. and my general mien. I will list them in no particular order of time occupied nor of favour. Where I have got around to it I will give some links to additional material.

Disclaimer: This is my first attempt at a web page and it is consequently a bit minimalist. Constructive comments are welcome. I haven't included a vast array of pretty graphics because I find them annoying in other sites when they don't do anything but slow access down to a mind-numbing crawl. Now that Broadband is becoming the norm I am considering a prettier site but only if I find both the time and the enthusiasm simultaneously.

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© 1998 Bob de Vekey Part updated Feb 10
Page design by Bob de Vekey.

email address